Insect Protein - Innovation and collaboration opportunities for Africa and the UK
If you’re interested in insect protein innovation in the UK or Africa, this event is for you!
Follow the link below for for more information and registration:
Insect Protein - Innovation and collaboration opportunities for Africa and the UK
This event takes place on: Wednesday 16 June 2021 | 09:30am - 1pm
Join us to discuss how we can make the most of innovation and collaboration opportunities around insect protein, a potential game changer when it comes to alternative protein sources and helping the AgriFood sector to become more sustainable.
Why attend?
· To get a clear overview of the insect production sector in the UK and Africa.
· To learn about trends, opportunities and challenges that could inform and inspire your innovative insect project.
· To make connections with other innovators you could collaborate with.
What to expect?
· You’ll hear from research and industry experts about insect production in the UK and Africa.
· You’ll take part in an interactive session where we’ll talk about trends, opportunities and challenges and learn from each other.
· You’ll be able to schedule one to one meetings with other attendees you are interested in meeting.
The full line-up of speakers will be announced shortly.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Thomas Farrugia | Beta Bugs, UK
- Prof. Joshua O. Ogendo | Egerton University, Kenya
- Betty Kibaara, Director | Food Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation
- Andrea Jagodic | Mana Biosystems Ltd, UK and Kenya
Follow #InsectProteinInnovation on Twitter and LinkedIn for more updates on insect protein.
This event is part of AgriFood Africa Connect.