
Outside Exhibition: Food for Thought

An average meal travels around 30.000 kilometres before it reaches our plates. Where does our food come from? Like many students and employees on Wageningen Campus, photographer and filmmaker Kadir van Lohuizen unravels the world behind our food. His search is captured in a beautiful documentary and photo series with the title Food for Thought. His work is on display at the Maritime Museum Amsterdam in 2024, but for the academic year 2024/25 also on our campus. Enjoy the outside exhibition to contemplate about our current and future food systems and look at it through different lenses.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Sun 1 September 2024 until Sun 31 August 2025

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

Van Lohuizen visualises what often remains outside our field of vision: where and how is our food produced? He portrays how the Netherlands, Kenya, the United States, the United Arab Emirates and China organise food production in a large-scale and efficient way. This approach evokes both admiration and questions: what are the effects on nature, people and animals, and how future-proof is this system? This leads to amazement and perplexity, emotions that also live on Wageningen Campus.

What do the images evoke in you? And what does that say about you and your position in the food system – both as a researcher and as a consumer. Enter into a conversation about the food systems of the future and discover what it requires of us to build that sustainable future. Also look at the system through a different lens. Who knows where new perspectives and connections can lead to.